Your Body
for longevity*
All it takes is just 8 minutes, twice per day
“I’ve been using BEMER for 13 years. I'm in my 80's and I feel fabulous. I’m not dependent on pharmaceutical drugs. I no longer have discomfort in my back, legs and feet. I’ve had numerous falls and I heal quickly. I sleep better and have more energy. BEMER truly is my anti-aging choice for vibrant living." - Dot Claire
Longevity has become a buzzword for anti-aging.
Most understand longevity as extending one's lifespan. But there's more to it than that.
Longevity is about living longer, yes, but more importantly, living longer actively and free of disease.
It's about controlling and reversing the hallmarks of aging.
BEMER is a key tool to energize your body for longevity.
BEMER is an FDA Class II Cleared Medical Device that stimulates the local blood flow within your muscles and enhances muscular performance and recovery.
BEMER improves local circulation, which in turn:
enhances muscle conditioning and recovery
boosts oxygen delivery and carbon dioxide removal
reduces stress and improves relaxation
optimizes physical performance
enhances vitality and overall wellbeing

Why does healthy blood circulation matter?
Oxygenated red blood cells carry oxygen and nutrients through the arteries and capillaries to all the organs of the body. As the blood provides oxygen and nutrients to the cells, the cells in turn transfer carbon dioxide to the red blood cells and waste products are then removed via the veins.

When our circulation becomes impaired at a microvascular level and our function is limited, one may feel: cold extremities, tense, stressed, discomfort, restlessness, low energy, or exhaustion.